Deep Relationships.

We connect & unify brand truths to deepen relationships.

The deeper and stronger the relationships, the more growth a brand will see. The 5-1-2 Framework builds and scales the relationships between brands and people, making them last a lifetime. It’s how we find the whitespace beyond the whitespace.

What motivates behavior? What inspires action? How do they make decisions? What is their idea of greatness?

Components of the Brand-Consumer Relationship

Stand out, great experiences, lasting impressions

Build & sustain over long periods of time

Weaving values, beliefs, philosophy, history

2-way open communication

Enhance the perception of life

Emotional Connection
Establish a positive and meaningful bond

Excite & Delight
Occasional positive surprises

We utilize human insights to shape the dynamics that affect brand-consumer relationships in 3 ways; on the business, communications, product/service, and experience levels.

Forge a New Flow
Create a new way of doing things, a new experience. This can also be thought of as establishing a new relationship.

Shift the Flow
Optimize and change the current flow by implementing accuracy, efficiency, and scaling. This can also be thought of as improving the relationship (growth).

Counter the Flow
Reversing or shocking the flow in creative, novel ways. This can be thought of as reconciling the relationship.


Forming a relationship between brands and consumers requires a minimum of 5 brand touches or experiences. Nurtured properly, these brand touches result in stronger engagement, increased retention, and additional referrals.

The 5-1-2 Framework scales at any level — brand, campaign, or project. It targets the 5 most important experiences, channels, or platforms, perfecting the interactions that occur there. Because each channel has its own way to leverage brand messages and communications, we craft creative experiences natively designed for each one. We unify brand truths and vision under a big idea, ultimately translating the brand’s position in the consumer’s mind.


We unify brand truths and compose a flow strategy to free brands from the norms and grow their relationships with consumers. This strategy addresses the shortcomings in the relationship score and dictates our general approach to establishing, reconciling, and growing brand-consumer relationships. We then distill this process down into our patented 5-1-2 Framework.


With a series of seamless positive experiences, consumers grow more loyal to brands and eventually become their champions.

By focusing on growth and relationship strengths, brands can guide consumers from being unaware, passive, or avoidant. The resulting loyalty creates brand lift over the short term, but as loyalty continues to grow, consumers become champions and recruit others. Long-term brand growth speeds up as new relationships spread among personal and professional networks.

Let’s talk!

Have a campaign or project?
Let’s forge something great together.